One of the great things about playing with 6mm models is you can use accurately sized miniatures and still have plenty of room to maneuver. For me the size difference between a tank and an infantryman is important, part of the emmersion of the experience. And when it comes to representing Ma.K it is doubly important as some of the vehicles are truly massive! Here, I'll show you:
The "Nutrocker" (a Japanese misspell of Nutcracker) is HUGE, and sizing it so it compared realistically to the infantry was paramount. It even dwarfs the Krote autonomous walker.
The infantry figures are from Darkest Star Games (disclosure: I am the owner of said company) and really show how the PKA suit is just a little larger than a "naked" troop, and though they are a bit more massive they are not outrageous and look as though one of the troops would fit inside just right. One of the difficulties of printing models this small though can be seen in the PKAs panzerfaust, they break very easily if the mini is not carefully handled, and sometimes the shaft doesn't print at all!
Stay tuned for some WIPs!